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Showing posts from January, 2022

Mediate Runback, LLC

When I was four years old, I had big dreams.  My family fondly recalls a time when I proudly announced that my life's goal was to open a gas station and call it Mediate Runback . I truly don't know what inspired that name or what compelled me to manage a gas station (in fact, I barely remember this proclamation at all), but that moment has always stuck with me and it became a joke over the years–I was James, owner and operator of Mediate Runback . Now–nineteen years later–I'm a senior graduating in just a few short months. For my peers and I, this season is a whirlwind of questions and decisions.  What do I want to do after I graduate? How do I best showcase my experiences on my resumé? Do I need to go to grad school? How do I transition my internship into a full-time job? Where do I want to live? What's next for me? ...and the list goes on and on. My hope for this blog is to create a space to discuss how life, school, and workplace experiences have opened the door for